[ sweet briar farm, sebastopol, ca ]
[ sweet briar farm, sebastopol, ca ]
[ hwy 116, south sebastopol, ca ]
Mad Dog Express from the “through the windshield” series [ hwy 101, petaluma, ca ]
[ mercury way parking lot, santa rosa, ca ]
Who knew…? [ truck door, oliver’s market parking lot, santa rosa, ca ]
The stare is unbreakable. guest photo by Daryl Rodgers [ san francisco, ca ]
Special Saturday, Valentine’s Day Edition from the “through the windshield” series [ 60mph pacific seafood delivery truck, hwy 12, santa rosa, ca ]
Another afternoon commute in Sonoma County. [ santa rosa, ca ]
When they want to… for Fleetwood Mac [ san francisco, ca ]
The last hive inspection before going into winter. [ teresa b @ goaty goat acres, santa rosa, ca ]