[ aubergine, sebastopol, ca ]
[ aubergine, sebastopol, ca ]
[ back door of l squared salon, 5th street parking lot, santa rosa, ca ]
Behind the Photo Curtain by Hugh Shurley [ town hall restaurant, san francisco, ca ]
[ 199 fremont poetry/sculpture garden, san francisco, ca ]
[ san jose, ca ]
Carrots ARE good for you… and your heart. A study conducted in the U.S. showed that participants who ate about 1 cup of carrots a day reduced their blood cholesterol levels by approximately 11% over a 3-week period. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are important in the fight against heart disease. Studies have found that high doses of beta-carotene may lower the risk of heart disease by as much as 45%. [ sunday farmer's market, sebastopol, ca ]
I Heart Chuck by Sheryl Chapman [ the front window, 642 5th street, santa rosa, ca ]
Love, Healing, & Gratitude: The flaming heart Milagro (Miracle) symbolizes a healthy heart, passion in your life, divine love and compassion for humanity. [ on my office wall, santa rosa, ca ]
Whenever summer is ready… [ window display at sacks on the square, railroad square, santa rosa, ca ]
A Wedding Ran Through It [ el rancheria rio estanislaus, knights ferry, ca ]