Monty Monty plays that thang [ 2nd annual hand-car regatta, santa rosa, ca ]
Monty Monty plays that thang [ 2nd annual hand-car regatta, santa rosa, ca ]
Baka Beyond (Afro Celt) [ 15th annual sebastopol celtic world music festival, sebastopol, ca ]
And the 250th birthday of Guinness… Alison Brown [ 2009 sebastopol celtic world music festival, sebastopol, ca ]
[ aiw studio, san anselmo, ca ]
[ aiw studio, san anselmo, ca ]
[ sebastopol road, santa rosa, ca ]
Get ‘em while it’s hot! – 9.16.09 [ now at the rite aid store, sebastopol, ca ]
[ soma, san francisco, ca ]
[ shop window, hayes street, san francisco, ca ]
Adaptations by Mark Baugh-Sasaki [ intersection of hayes & octavia streets, san francisco, ca ]