[ 199 fremont poetry/sculpture garden, san francisco, ca ]
[ 199 fremont poetry/sculpture garden, san francisco, ca ]
Love, Healing, & Gratitude: The flaming heart Milagro (Miracle) symbolizes a healthy heart, passion in your life, divine love and compassion for humanity. [ on my office wall, santa rosa, ca ]
Too close for my comfort! [ on a runway near you, ca ]
[ el rancheria rio estanislaus, knights ferry, ca ]
Patrick Amiot Urban Furniture [ on the patio, aubergine, sebastopol, ca ]
[ putto & gargoyle, sebastopol, ca ]
Patrick Amiot Urban Furniture [ on the patio, aubergine, sebastopol, ca ]
Patrick Amiot Urban Furniture [ on the patio, aubergine, sebastopol, ca ]
[ tomales bay, marshall, ca ]
[ de young museum, san francisco, ca ]